it has been a week since surgery and what an interesting week it has been. the meds made me unfocused and nauseous; having the brace on 24/7 means sleeping sitting up and it hurt to knit.
i am med free now; am able to get around much better, no longer being tethered to the cold therapy unit. i actually drove to get my hair washed and take my cute husband, who has been an absolute angel through all this, to lunch.
and since we were downtown and within walking distance, stopped by the LYS where i met a woman who had a similar surgery a year or so ago. it was nice to hear what she had to say and see how the surgery was of benefit to her. she said she was able to knit a couple of weeks after surgery. at first, just a RS and WS; then a RS, WS, RS; then until her arm tired. it was just good to hear it came back, especially from someone who now loves to knit socks.
so i think i will try to knit again tonight. just to see how it goes.
Glad you're back! I'm sure you'll be back at it in no time - and you can even call it "physical therapy" and work it into your work day, heh heh.
Congrats on the successful surgery and being 'med-free'! Even if you're not knitting, you can certainly plan all the next projects to do when you can knit.....planning, quite a productive thing to do! :-)
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