Monday, December 29, 2008

let's get physical

for some reason i am suffering from a case of the grumps. things were fine before christmas; had a delightful christmas day; had fun with the fam; christmas dinner turned out great (food theme was moroccan) but have had some pretty grumpy moments since then.

so when i woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, decided what i needed was a walk. so i crossed the street to open land and just walked. and walked and walked, until i came to a t in the path which overlooked this...

and i realized i am a pretty lucky girl. next time i get the grumps, i will take a brisk walk in the fresh air. hope your holidays are happy!


Jane said...


tanita✿davis said...

Ooh, I think I've seen that golf course!!

I HAVE the grumps, too -- can't walk now for coughing and all this gorgeous weather is just sailing past, and I'm terrified I'll miss it!! Walk some more walks for me...

David T. Macknet said...

Some day, T. will be done with this cold, and we'll come visit you!