Tuesday, August 28, 2007


over the summer i have been reading a variety of blogs and i just have one question....

why ravelry?

open for comments. thanks.


Anonymous said...

I love ravelry for researching projects. I can see what other yarns people have used for patterns and how it turned out.

Just letting you know that you are not forgotten about - your trip in a box is going into the mail at the end of the week! My annonymous e-mail is having all sorts of issues, so I can't send e-mails.

KVVS pal

Jane said...

I've been wondering the same thing. I did sign up - but still 7000 ahead of me.
I see that your KVVS box is going in the mail! I haven't heard too much from my upstream pal - just a few anonymous comments on my blog, so I have no idea where I am going. Is it California???? LOL