Monday, January 25, 2010

in the still of the night...

i should not be allowed to make knitting decisions between midnight and 6am. though they are usually technically sound, they keep me awake way to late.

this morning's decision was frogging the hat from hell, yes the r2d2 hat. the big guys christmas present. the one that was supposed to take two-ish days to knit.

i thought of taking pictures of how the hat looked...which was cute, a bit pinched due to the strands on the inside being a bit tight, they were neat, but tight. i also thought of taking pictures of the piles of tangled, frogged blue and gray yarn, but it was very late, or early depending on your perspective, so i will leave it to your imagination on how tangled and twisted the yarn looked; sort of a combination of that weird octopus creature that pulled frodo out of moria and davy jones' beard, only in blue and gray.

sigh. so i am starting over. this time instead of strand knitting i will knit stripes and embellish once the hat is done. don't worry, i will keep you posted...


tanita✿davis said...

I am not laughing AT you, my dove. Since I have, oh, three? Four? UNfinished projects here because I knit so slooowly and have so many hang-ups about frogging, I cannot laugh AT you.

But I feel your pain. I had a lovely green/gray/white yarn that I had to frog and it did look very... octopi/Davy Jones, too.

Unfortunately, I frogged it in broad daylight, so it's just not as funny a story as yours, though.

David T. Macknet said...

She describes it kindly.

I bought the $#*(&! yarn upon the recommendation of the stupid woman at the yarn store, who somehow thought that bilious green would suit a boy. We've been shackled with the stuff, now, for years and years. Every project knit with this yarn gets frogged. We should throw it out. Throw out yarn?

jackie said...

tee hee. you guys make me laugh! thanks!

David T. Macknet said...

Hope you're well, and have made it through the knitting trauma.