Tuesday, May 29, 2007


so the intent was to do nothing but knit on monday, which was the memorial day holiday.

though i did knit some, it definitely wasn't a whole day of knitting. i puttered; i did a little of this or a little of that, always with the same intent, "as soon as i finish this, i will sit and knit". but i did not quite get there until we went to supper at a friends house and then i was able to just sit and knit.

but i did make some bread to take for supper. this bread was not as chock a block full of good things as wish i were baking puts in his bread; the kids don't tolerate much more than a bit of white whole wheat; along with the bread being some sort of sourdough! but i had not baked bread in quite a few years; the house smelled of rising and baking bread. the family remembered how much they loved that smell and the bread. it was great fun.

since i forgot to save some dough for a levain, i will have to bake some more bread. some friends just bought their first home a few blocks from us. i think i will bake another batch as a home welcoming gift and walk it over. i almost feel like donna reed!

1 comment:

David T. Macknet said...

Yay! Did you get to use the dough hook on your kitchenaid, or did you make some small ones knead for you?

I've got some dough sitting out right now - it's been souring all day long, and it'll go all night. It's going to turn into sourdough pumpernickel bagels. :)